Jet ski insurance
Jet ski insurance

METROmar supports jet ski lovers, offering a basic insurance policy, but with cover that is sufficiently comfortable for peaceful navigation.
Jet ski insurance: Basic cover
Compulsory Civil Liability
This guarantee is subjected to the R.D. 607/1999, of the 16th of April, by which the Regulation of Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance is approved for leisure or sports vessels. According to the abovementioned legislation, the capital for this concept is 336,566.77 euros.
For this cover the consequences of the policy holder’s extra-contractual civil liability are covered, when there is no fault attributable to it or any negligence.
Voluntary Civil Liability
The civil liability capital may be extended for this cover for up to 600,000 euros.
Maritime Assistance
In the case of the breakdown of the insured vessel, the towing expenses of the aforementioned vessel to the nearest port or marina to where the breakdown occurred are covered.
Criminal Defence
This cover guarantees the defence and representation of the policy holder in criminal processes, as well as the payment of the expenses that are incurred due to the intervention in the aforementioned procedures and those from which the civil liability can be derived or may derived in the future covered by the policy.
Damage Claim
If as a result of an accident, both guaranteed by the policy or not, which has occurred to an insured vessel, with material damages or bodily injuries that were caused to a member of the vessel’s crew; or damages to their belongings; the Company is obliged to claim damages from the third party responsible, or from their insurance company, either amicably or judicially, on behalf of the injured party.
Jet ski insurance: Optional cover
On-shore Assistance
The possibility of contracting assistance for the crew on shore is offered, which includes, amongst others, the following services: repatriation or medical transport of injured and/or sick people; repatriation or transport of the policy holder’s family members; early return due to the death of a family member; travel by family companion along with the hospitalised policy holder; payment or refund of medical, surgical, pharmaceutical expenses or for hospitalisation abroad, etc.
Call free of charge on 900 100 390 or if you prefer, we will call you.